There will be two location points if there has not been an accurate location update in more than two days.
The most recent location is not always the most accurate.
This accuracy depends on the last type of location update your device has emitted. GPS updates are more accurate than WIFI or Bluetooth updates.
Each device shows two dots, the most recent is shown here in orange, and the older one in grey
Clicking and holding the orange dot will display the basic information about the location
Clicking on the orange dot displays several icons, you can click each icon to display more in-depth information about the location point
The blue icon displays information about the Bluetooth beacon
The hourglass icon displays the age of the location point
The question mark icon displays information about the accuracy of the location
The cog icon displays the current device settings
The cross icon closes the other icons
Clicking on the grey dot will pan the older location to the centre of the screen and display the location information at the bottom of the screen in black
Clicking on the show button will turn the location point red and will pan it to the centre of the screen, displaying the date and time of the location point
If you have any additional questions about the two location points, don't be afraid to reach out to us!