To find out how to set up your device so that you can get the maximum battery life possible, follow the simple steps below:
1. Open the Lightbug App or go to the Web Portal
2. Go to 'Settings', then to the 'Configuration' page
4. Choose 'Long Battery Life' for the Mode
5. Select '1 Year' Battery Life
This will give you the maximum battery life for your device and set your tracker to send location updates every 1 day.
6. If your device is often at home, enable 'Disable GPS when near home Wi-Fi' and enter your home Wi-Fi network name to increase battery life
Your device has now been set up with maximum battery life.
A few things to note:
- Settings are automatically saved and will be applied at the next location update. Alternatively, to apply the new settings immediately, press the button on your tracker for 3 seconds
- The battery life shown is only a estimate and not guaranteed
- Some variables that affect battery life include: where the device is mounted, poor signal areas, extremely high/low temperatures and motion sensitivity
Still have some questions? Get in touch with us!